Researching Your District of Columbia Ancestors

Postal Code:DCAbbreviation: D.C.
Territory of Washington D.C.
Organized in ca 1790, comprised of lands ceded from Maryland and Virginia; land ceded was governed by Montgomery Co. Maryland and Fairfax Co. Virginia until 1800.
The district consisted of two counties, Washington and Alexandria, each formed in 1801; and the city of Washington, which was officially established in 1802. In 1846 the land donated by Virginia (Alexandria County) was returned to that state. In 1895 the land west of the ceded by Maryland was merged into the city of Washington and today Washington, D.C. comprises the whole of the District.
First mostly extant census: 1800
District birth and death records from 1847 forward, although not generally complete until later years.
Marriage records began in 1811

Books, articles, CD's, Tapes etc.
On the Web.

Handybook for Genealogists (10th or 11th edition) and/or Ancestry's Redbook (you'll want the 3rd edition) section on District of Colubmia includes maps, historical information, vital records coverage and a bibliography of resources,


* FHL District of Columbia Research Outline
* District of Columbia Gen Web
* ALHN District of Columbia page
Historical Society of Washington DC
-- see especially their Family History Research Guide

* District of Columbia Genealogy Society Directory
* District of Columbia Newspaper Project
* District of Columbia Vital Records (official)
* Vitalrec District of Columbia Page
District of Columbia Black Sheep Ancestors
More links:
Genealogy Today: District of Columbia
Rootsweb: U.S. Resources: District of Columbia
* Genealink's District of Columbia Page
* Cyndi's List District of Columbia Page