How to Find Your Jewish Ancestors


Books, articles, tapes... On the Web

NOTE: (find in a library) links take you to the OCLC record for the book. To find it in a library near you, type your zip code in the appropriate box and press return)

Avotaynu: Guide to Jewish Genealogy edited by Sallyann Amdar Sack and Gary Mokotoff. Avotaynu 2004. Avotaynu, Inc.iis the leading publisher of products and information of interest to persons who are researching Jewish genealogy, Jewish family trees and Jewish roots.

Krasner-Khait. Discovering your Jewish Ancestors (find in a library)

Kurzweil andWiesel From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Family History

Mokotoff. How to Document Victims and Locate Survivors of teh Holocaust. (excerpts are available online at this site, as well as order information) (find in a library)

Mokotoff. Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy (find in a library)

Rottenberg. Finding Our Fathers: A Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy (find in a library)

Weiner. Jewish Roots in Poland: Pages from the Past and Archival History. (find in a library)

Weiner. Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova: Pages from the Past and Archival History. (find in a library)

Wynne. Finding Your Jewish Roots in Galicia (find in a library)

Zubatsky. Sources for Jewish Genealogies and Family Histories (find in a library)

The Family History Library has over 100 subject headings that include the description "Jewish". Type "Jewish" into the subject search, then spend some time investigating the results to get a feel for what is available through the Family History Library. is the primary site for researching Jewish ancestors. It can also be helpful for anyone with Central or European ancestors, even if not Jewish.

The Center for Jewish History has a family history section. Be sure to check out their library holdings. : A Research Tool for
Sephardic Genealogy / Jewish Genealogy

The Red Cross maintains a Holocaust and War Victims Tracing Center.

Article about Jewish Genealogy

Krasner-Khait.Beginning Jewish Research

Mokotoff: Jewish Research

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