Obituaries from Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co. Indiana

These are obituaries that were in my grandparents' papers. I believe them to be from the Crawfordsville area. My grandfather was Harley C. Moore, son of Willis Moore who moved from Crawfordsville to West Branch, Ogemaw Co. Michigan. Willis Moore was the son of John Fleming and Elizabeth Ann (Binford) Moore. Willis Moore was born into the Quaker faith, but left it as a young man. If you want more information on this family, e-mail me at . These are undated clippings.

Binford, Elizabeth Ann (dau of Willam and Susanna (Dubois) Jones, wife of William Binford)
Binford, Mary (dau of James B. and Rebecca (Snook) Johnson, wife of Henry S. Binford
Binford, Samuel (wife Sarah Snook)
Cloud,Martha (dau of Timothy and Michael Johnson, wife of Joseph Cloud)
Reynolds, George Lewis (wife Sarah Binford)
White, Mrs. Elwood (nee Anna Binford)

AN EXCELLENT LADY DEAD. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Binford, Identified With the Entire History of Crawfordsville, Passes to Her Reward.
Friday night Mrs. Elizabeth A. Binford died quite peacefully at her home on east Pike street. She had been quite seriously sick for several days but grave apprehension for her recovery was not entertained until last Thursday afternoon when she became unconscious and sank rapidly until death came.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Binford was born at Vinceennes, Ind., Feb. 9, 1813, and was the eldest of four daughters born to Wm. Jones and Susanna Dubois, and granddaughter of Touissant Dubois, a name identified with the French occupation of this territory. She came to Crawfordsville with the family of her uncle, Major Ambrose Whitlock, in 1822 and has resided here ever since. She was married to the late Wm. Binford June 26, 1837, and was the mother of four sons, three of whom grew to manhood, namely Edward J., of Denver,Col. ; A.W., of this city, and Jas. W., lately deceased, of Paris, Ill. At an early age she became identified with the Episcopalian church, continuing aloving communicant of her chosen church until the last.
Few women in Crawfordsville have been better known than Mrs. Binford and certainly none have been better loved by those with whom their lives are associated. She was a lady of rare charm of manner and her long identity with the social and religious circles of Crawfordsville has left its impress upon them. Her home, like that of her uncle, Major Whitlock, was one of refined hospitality and most admirably did this excellent lady preside in it. Devoutly religious, her religion was not less one of daily life than one of activity in church affairs and her many deeds of charity and acts of kindness will long linger in themeory of hundreds whom she succored in their necessity. Her death leaves a place vacant which cannot be filled.
[below may be a later clipping or it may be a continuation of above; probably the former]
The funeral of Mrs Elizabeth A. Binfoed occurred last Tuesday a 10 o'clock at the family residence on east Pike street, and was attended by a large concourse of friends of the friends of the esteemed lady. The services were conducted by Rev. John Hazen White, Episcopal Bishop of Indiana. The floral tributes were many and beautiful and were mutely elequent of the high regard in which Mrs. Binford was held. The pallbearers wer Messrs. L.F. Hornady, E.H. Cowan, Joseph Binford, C.L. Thomas, Louis Bischof and Walter Pickett. The flower bearers wer Mrs. Landon Cabell Rose, Mrs. P.O. Rudy, Mrs. W.F. Hulet, Miss Mary Smith and Miss Emily Thompson. The interment occurred at Oak Hill cemetery and a large number of people followed hte body to its last resting place in that beautiful city of the dead.

--day Even---at Nine O'clock--the busy world was sin -- quiet evening repose, the--ounded life of Mrs Mary Binford, wife of H.S. Binford and mother of Mrs. Chas. Ward, entered into eternal rest. The haven to which she had been steering her frail bark-where with her father, mother, brother, two sisters and a son she is now basking in that blessed sunlight where pain and sorrow is unknown, waiting to welcome the sorrowing ones left behind who mournher "who was a friend to all."
Mary Boyce Johnson was born Nov. 3, 1847, and ws the third daughter of James B. and Rebecca (Snook) Johnson. She was married Dec. 1, 1870, to Henry S. Binford and in the same year united with the South Christian chruch at Darlington under the ministry of Rev. Wm. Warbington.
Later when the Christian church at Garfield was organized under the ministry of Rev. E.D. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Binford's names headed the list as charter members of the same.
Since that time she has never tired or her zeal weakened in helping to build up God's kingdom here on earth.
The author of this sketch has often heard her to say "I long to see the time when chruch lines are withdrawn and we all work with the same aim in view, that of saving souls."
Several years ago Mr. Binford and wife moved from their farm to Garland where he and an organized company built the Garfield telephone system.
Two years ao the only child, Minnie, was married to Chas. Ward of Mace, they having since resided in the home. Besides the husband and daughter, three sisters and two brothers are left, viz: Mrs. Albert McDaniel, of Inidanapolis; Mrs. S. P. Vangundy, of Garfield; Mrs. C. W. Pritchard, of Darlington; H. S. Johnson, of Crawfordsville, and S.B. Johnson, of Garfield.
At 11:30 a.m. Sunday March 15, the funeral services were conducted at the Garfield church by the former pastor, Rev. Gurney Woody, of Darlington, asissted by Rev. J.C. Francis, of Brazil.
Following the services the interment was made at the Friends cemetery east of Darlington.

Samuel Binford [clipping is from a Saturday in March, evidently in 1890 given his age at death] Another Pioneer Passes Away at the Ripe Age of 80 Years. Sunday morning at 9:10 o'clock Samuel Binford passed from this earth at the age of 80 years, of paralysis. He was first stricken seven years ago, and during the last year has been unable to walk, and during that time has been confined to his room. Since last Monday he has taken no nourishment and his death has been hourly expected. Samuel Binford was born near Petersburg, Dinwiddie county, Virginia, December 22, 1809, and was next to the youngest of nine brothers, all of whom are dead except the younger, David, who lives in Missouri. He came with his parents to this county in 1830 and settled near Garfield. After remaining on the farm a few years, he came to this city, then but a village, and engaged himself to his brother, William, as a clerk in his dry goods store. They shortly formed a partnershop which continued until the death of William in 1848. He, however, continued in buisness for a few years and then retired. He never held any public office but at one time was Vice President of the First National Bank. In 1837 he was married to Miss Sarah Snook, daughter of the late Dr. Snook, by whom he had three children, but one of whom survived childhood. Mrs. Binford died in 1863. Martha, his daughter, married Dr. C. L. Thomas, and died in 1871, leaving two children. His two grandchildren are his only heirs. By prudence, good management and sagacity in business Mr. Binford accumulated a handsome competency. With his dealings with men he was strictly honest and the good name that he leaves is a richer inheritance for those who come after him than any great wealth. He was not a member of any church, but adhered to the faith of the Friends, this church in which he was reared and practiced the virgtues and charities of that people. He was the personification of goodness and kindness and his hand was ever open for the needy and suffering, although he did not parade his charities. As neighbor, friend and citizen, he was a model, andleft an example worthy of emulation. The funeral occurred Tuesday at 2 o'clock, and was conducted by Dr. J. F. Tuttle, assisted by Dr. R. J. Cunningham. I. C. Elston, R.E. Bryant, Joseph Milligan, John R. Robinson, Charles Goltra and John S. Brown were the pall bearers. The casket was a superb one of solid cedar, with heavy black trimmings and a fac simile of those in which the bodies of Grant and Garfield were laid away. The funeral was very largely attended, and of all ages and class is showing [sic] how general the respect in which Mr. Binford was held.

Death of Mrs. Martha Cloud.
The many friends of Mrs. Martha Cloud were generally saddened Wednesday morning to learn of her sudden death the previous night. She had been unusually good health but about 10:30, during an attack of heart failure which lasted only about twenty minutes, surrounded by the sorrowing members of the family, she passed peacefully and quietly away.
Martha Cloud, dauther of Timothy and Michael Johnson was born in Dinwiddie county, Virginia, June 21st, 1821. she with her parents removed from Virginia to Ohio when she was quite young and from there came to Montgomery county, then to Gavely Run where her young womanhood was spent. She was united in marriage to Joseph Cloud, May 1st, 1845. To this union were born nine children, eight of whom are living, Mrs. E.Kl Morris, of Rockville, Mrs. R. H. Cosand of Springdale, Arkansas, Mrs. Dr. Moore of Terre Haute, Mrs. Mattie Bryant of Bloomingdale, Mrs. Carrie Wilson of Indianapolis, and Julia, Minnie and Charles, of this place. Her husband died Dec. 19th, 1880 and at his death he left her to the care of the only son, Charles, who has faithfully fulfilled the trust committed to him.
She had been a life-long member of teh Friend;s church in whose work she ever manifested an interest and was a loving, tender, Christian mother. The funeral services were conducted at the Friend's church here in town Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock,by Rev. Enos Kendall and Mrs. Mary C. Woddy, followed by interment at Sugar Plain.

OBITUARY. George Lewis Reynolds, son of Lewis and Mary Reynolds, was born July 20t 1846 at Westfield, Ind., and departed this life february 27th, 1910, at Whittier, Cal., aged 63 years.
He was married January 4th, 1876 to Sarah Binford at Thomtown, [Thornton?] Ind. To this union two daughers were born, both of whom died in early infancy.
He was converted to Christ in early youth and never after lost the evidence of his acceptance with God.
He has been for many years deeply interested in the cause of temperance and especially since the burning in effigy of the late Gov. St. Johns has been known to give his last penny for the cause.
He was stricken with the disease which terminated his life oct. 10, 1909, and has been a great sufferer ever since until death relieved him. He did not expect to recover, and made all arrangements for his final departure.
He sometimes seemed to be granted a sight of his mother, little daughters, and other departed ones, which greatly rejoiced his heart, the end coming as a peaceful sleep.
The funeral services were led by Andrew F. Mitchell, J.J. Mills and Erwin Tabor, and the floral offerings were many and beautiful.

MRS. ELWOOD WHITE IS LAID TO REST. The funeral of Mrs. Elwood White was held from the Friends chruch Thursday afternoon. Rev. Perry gave a beautiful talk on the life of the deceased, chossing his text from the 91st Psalm. Mrs. Esther Hiatt also assisted, making a prayer and a few personal remarks. A quartet composed of Mrs. Allen Tomlinson, Miss Anna Tomlinson, Dr. Jessup and Esek Perry, softly rendered the hymns, "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "It is Well with My Soul," and "Sunshine on the Hill", favorite songs of the decedent.
Brief services were held at the home before going to the church and also at the cemetery.
Multitudes of flowers, which she had loved so in life, surrounded her in that quiet sleep. Interment took place in the Whittier cemetery.
Mrs. White was a birthright member of the Friends church, and a true Christian. She was a tender wife and a noble type of womanhod.
Anna M. White (maiden name Binford) was born near Crawfordsville, Montgomery county, Indiana, June 5, 1853, and died in Whittier, California, March 12, 1907, being at the time of her death 53years, 9 months and seven days old.
At the age of 16 years she was converted to Christ at a meeting at Mooresville, Indiana, under the preaching of Hugh Woods. She was a constant Christian and valuable church member during her life. On Nov. 17, 1876 she was united in marriage with Elwood White. Four daughters were born to them, all of whom are living and were with her at the last.
The most of her life was spent in Morgan county Indiana. Eleven years ago with her family she came to Whittier, where they have resided and made many friends.
Anna M. White was especially interested in young people, entering heartily into all that interested the young.
She was kind hearted to all, this kindness extending to animals as well as mankind. Her door was open to all in need of shelter and many were the kind words of council and advise t those who accepted the hospitality of her home.
Her bright and cheerful disposition was always noticable by any who knew her. For one and a half years she has been afflicted, but she cheerfully bore it without a murmer.
Three or four days ago she was attacked with the la grippe, which with other afflictions she was not able to survive, and peacefully passed to the better world in the early morning on Wednesday of this week. She leaves a husband and four daughters, a niece and a sister in Whittier, and two brothers and two sisters in the East to mourn their loss.