The Moore Family Bible Willis and Fannie (Campbell) Moore evidently brought this Bible to Ogemaw County Michigan with them when they left Indiana to there. It was then owned by Harley Moore, their son, and is now owned by Bob Moore, their grandson.
The Holy Bible The Old and New Testament
R. White, Hutchison & Dweir, Publishers, Hartfored 1836MARRIAGES Jacob Moore and Tacy B. Butler was Married in the yr. of our lord, Eighteen and [hundred] and thirty six, the 3 mo. 3 day of the Mo.
Jacob Moore & Eunice Moffitt was Married 12 Mo. 4th, 1879
Jacob Moore and Jane Elliotte was married 1881.Abraham Moore & Susannah Taylor was married 6th mo. 20th, 1811.
John F. Moore and Elizabeth A. Binford were married 15 11m 1860.BIRTHS John Fleming Moore was born 13th of 3 mo. 1837
William A. Moore was born 26th of 4 mo. 1840
Benjamin F. Moore was born 17 of 7 mo 1842
Benjamin Franklin Moore was bornr 17 of 7 mo 1842
Mahlon W. Moore was born 14th of 10th mo. 1844
Martha Jane Moore was born 23d of 12th mo 1846
Charles V. Moore 1849
Abraham Moore was born 6th mo. 2nd, 1786
Susannah his wife was born 6th mo. 7th, 1790
Hannah Moore was born 3d mo. 13th,, 1812
Jacob Moore was born 9th mo, 24th, 1816
Willis E. Moore born 12-12-1861
Linnias Moore born 7-2-1865
Martha J. Moore born 3-5-1867
Lilian Moore born 1-15-1874
Otis J. Moore born Jan. 21, 1876DEATHS Susannah Moore departed this life 2d mo 13th, 1822
Abraham Moore departed this life 18 of the 12 mo, 1843
Martha Jane Moore departed this life 9 mo 12th 1855
Tacy B. Moore departed this life, 1 mo. 25th, 1878
William A. Moore departed this life 12 mo 23rd, 1880 at Terre Haute
Jacob Moore departed this life 4 mo 9th 1891 in Richmond, Ind.
Hannah Davis departed this life [no date recorded]
Charles V. Moore departed this life 4th mo. 26th, 1897 at Fairmont, Ind.
Mary Moore departed this life 5mo 9th 1897[note:she was wife of Charles V.]
M. W. Moore departed this life by cyclone in Terre Haute 3 mo. 23d 1913.
J.F. Moore departed life [9?] Mar 1914 aged 77yrs.
Elizabeth A. Moore departed this life, Nov. 18, 1910
Martha J. Moore died Mar. 14th, 1914, sister not married
Linnie Moore died March 7th, 1927
Willis E. Moore died in Mar. 25th, 1934
Wife Mrs. Fannie A. Moore died March 17th, 1934.