Presented to Mrs. Chas. M. Withey by Mr. Chas. M. Withey, Dec. 25th, 1902
MARRIAGES Charles M. Withey of West Branch, Mich. and Celia C. Burt of Argentine, Mich. On the 1st day of October, 1884 at Argentine, State of Michigan by J.D. Halliday
Witnesses: Edwin Burt and Theresa BurtLottie L. Withey to Holden L. Woughter, June 12, 1906
Ella Mae Withey and Lewis Weeks, March 4, 1913
Grace Adelaide Withey and Harley Moore, April 9, 1913
Frank L. Withey and Mary Lois Short, Jan. 7, 1914
John Burt Withey and Gladys Hall, Dec. 15, 1915BIRTHS Miss Lottie Withey, Borne Aug. 12, 1885
Miss Grace A. Withey, Borne July 6, 1887
Miss Ella M. Withey, Born May 23, 1889
Mr. Frank L. Withey, Born June 10, 1891
Mr. John B. Withey, Born July 12, 1893Charlotte Lucinda Withey, Borne Aug. 12, 1885
Grace Adelaid Withey, Borne July 6, 1887
Ella May Withey, Borne May 23, 1889
Frank Liveous Withey, Borne June 10, 1891
John Burt Withey, Borne July 12, 1893DEATHS Parents of Chas. Withey (father):
Mrs. Charlotte Withey Larrabee, March 25, 1913
Mr. Livious Withey died March, 1891
Parents of Celia Withey (mother):
Mr. John G. Burt, July 30th, 1899
Mrs. Sarah Jane Burt in June 10th, 1918Brother of Celia Withey: Edwin M. Burt, Dec. 3rd, July 30, 1919 (Notation: he died Dec. 3rd) Eva Burt, wife, April 28th, 1936.
Mr. Chas. Withey, Feb 5th, 1934, 77 years old.
Mrs. Celia Withey, Oct. 30th, 1955, 92yrs. 10 mos.
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