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Your Guide to Researching
Read some guides to researching cemetery records:
There is even a whole book on the topic:
Locating a Cemetery -- what cemeteries exist, where are they?
- See what information is available on US Gen Web -- the site for the counties often, but not always, contain a listing of all cemeteries in the count.
- Write or visit the web page of the local genealogy society
- For more information, see Kimberly Powell's About.com page How to Locate a Cemetery
- For currently maintained cemeteries, search funeral.net's cemetery search
- Consult one of these reference books:
- Cemeteries of the U.S. (out of print) (Find in a Library)
- United States Cemetery Address Book (out of print) (Find in a Library
Published Transcriptions
Transcripts may be of tombstone readings, sexton's records, a combination of the two; it may also include information from other records.
- See what has been published for the state or area -- use OCLC WorldCat and type in the name of the locality and the word cemeteries, e.g. Lapeer Cemeteries. If the locality name is too common, e.g. Washington, add the state. So your search might be Cemeteries Washington Ohio
- D.A.R. -- use the GRC Search which serves as an online index to their thousands of volumes.
- In periodicals-- use PERSI (at Ancestry.com or Heritage Quest)
- What's in the LDS Library catalog in Salt Lake City -- use the place search, then topic cemeteries. Be sure to search the town, city, or village (view related places) as well as the county!
- What is in a local library? Let's look at Lapeer Michigan.
- USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project
- See what is on the US GenWeb state/county pages -- transcriptions and lookups
- Write the local society
Cemetery Records Online
Graveyard Associatons
- New Hampshire old Graveyard Association; see Master Burial Site Index
- Connecticut Gravestone Network
- Association for Gravestone Studies has a listing external resource sources. that might help you find some helpful sites.
- Saving Cemeteries
Funeral Homes
More Links
Cyndi's list topic: Cemeteries & Funeral Homes
Links to Resources on Cemetery History and Preservation
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Page last updated October 25, 2016